Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekly Winners

June 1st-June 7th
I have been slacking on the picture taking this week and some of these are from the week before. Shhhhh. ;) The pictures aren't very exciting unfortunately, maybe next week will be a better camera week. ;)

My brown eyed girl
Boy does he look like his father in this picture!
Pretty in Pink

Do you know how hard it is to photograph a busy bee?

Very hard!

Lilacs are finally in bloom here in Maine

Creepy crawlies taken by dh

The ever sarcstic Lotus hosts the other Weekly Winners, check em' out won't you?


Anonymous said...

The creepy crawlers made me start itchin'!

Great set, Amy. I love B's big brownies, and Dev surely does look like Dale!

Anonymous said...

The creepy crawlies freaks me out!! Ugh!!!

I love the lilac shot - so pretty!

Ingrid said...

Nice pictures, especially of the children !

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

You did a nice job with the bee! I've not been able to "catch" a bee to photograph yet. :(

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots! I love that you were able to catch some good bee shots, too. It would be so much easier if they didn't keep moving. ;)

Anonymous said...

Super cut epics of your kiddies! Love the pretty in pink one (pink is my fave color!) & the lilacs are pretty as well! But the creepy crawlies made my skin crawl. I enlarged it to tell exactly what it was & freaked out, lol!! Is that a poisonous spider~just asking because of the distinct marking on their backs?

Unknown said...

OMW what a lot of spiderlings!
And the lilac is so very pretty.

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

Love the lilacs!
Ours are long gone :)

Karen Coutu said...

Great photos this week, Amy! I love the lilacs especially! I can't believe how big B and Dev are getting!!!

AnnD said...

Boy you sure got some good ones for slacking! Man, all of those spiders!!! Ewwww! I love the one of Miss B and the lilacs!!!!

Texasholly said...

Not a fan of the creepy crawlies, but the pictures are fun. Not bad for a slacker! haha

Amy said...
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Amy said...

Connie~ I live in Maine and to my knowledge there are no poisonous spiders here so I'm guessing no. Still icky though.